Category: Pests Services

How Do I Get Rid Of Fire Ants In My Yard?

Here's how to get rid of fire ants in your yard.

As the scorching Louisiana sun beats down, life in the Bayou State becomes a battle against the elements. It’s not just us seeking refuge from the suffocating heat and arid conditions, though – fire ants and crazy ants are on the move too. To combat this, it’s crucial to get rid of fire ants as they adapt to the harsh environment by seeking shelter and moisture, much like us.


What are Fire Ants?

Fire ants build mounds in almost any type of soil, but prefer open, sunny areas such as meadows, pastures, parks, playgrounds, lawns, sports fields, and golf courses, as well as agricultural land and wilderness areas. Often, mounds are located in rotting logs and around stumps and trees. Colonies can also occur in or under buildings. To effectively manage these pests, it’s important to get rid of fire ants, as they will not create mounds when the weather is extremely hot or dry. During this time, they go deep underground during the day and come out at night to forage.


What are Crazy Ants?

Crazy ants are another breed of ants that have been on the rise in Louisiana over the last few years. While they don’t sting or bite, crazy ants can cause structural damage because they often nest in homes, electrical boxes, etc. and they thrive and multiply in moist, wooded areas, cracks, crevices–anywhere they can find shelter. While people have tried to end the pests’ existence, they often find they are fighting a losing battle.


A Raft of Ants

One of the craziest things about these ants is their ability to form rafts in response to heavy rainfall. These rafts allow the ants to float on water instead of drowning. They work together in harmony, with the lower ants acting as sacrificial lambs, forming a base that supports the rest of the colony. While some ants die at the bottom, the majority of the colony survives this ordeal and relocates once the waters recede. This collective effort shows the incredible resilience of these tiny creatures.


Can you be allergic to Ants?

Yes! Ants can be life-threatening if you have an allergy to them. The Bug Man has products to help you keep them out of your yard and your home. While crazy ants don’t sting or bite, fire ant stings are painful, characterized by a local burning sensation, which swells into a bump within hours. The bump may develop into a white pustule within 24–36 hours, which can become infected if scratched, but will spontaneously flatten within a few days if left alone. 


The Bug Man has products to help you keep ants out of your yard and your home. From Fire Ants to Crazy Ants, we can solve any of your ant problems. 



Keep Roaches from Vacationing Indoors this Summer

Roaches thrive in warm and humid environments so they’re more active during the summer months. They can enter your home through small cracks, drains, or even hitch a ride in grocery bags or cardboard boxes. Roaches prefer to hide in dark, moist areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, and basements during the day. And they reproduce rapidly, making it crucial to tackle a roach problem quickly before they start to lay eggs and multiply.

How to Prevent Roach Infestations

Preventing a roach infestation starts with maintaining a clean and clutter-free environment. Here are a few tips to help keep them from throwing a house party while you’re out.

  1. Roaches are attracted to food and water sources, so ensure that your kitchen is spotless and free of crumbs and spills.
  2. Store food in airtight containers and promptly fix any plumbing leaks to eliminate sources of moisture.
  3. Seal cracks and crevices to prevent roaches from entering your home.
  4. Regularly empty and clean trash cans, and keep outdoor garbage bins tightly sealed.
Let The Bug Man do the Dirty Work

If you’ve spotted roaches living care-free around your home and your roach spray isn’t doing the trick, it’s time to seek professional help. The Bug Man is experienced in dealing with roach infestations and can provide targeted treatments to eradicate these pests and their eggs. We employ safe and effective methods, including baits, sprays, and dusts, to eliminate roaches at their source. Our expertise ensures a thorough inspection of your home to identify and seal off entry points, preventing future infestations.

This summer, don’t let roaches crash your summer plans. By practicing preventive measures and seeking professional assistance, you can bid farewell to these unwelcome intruders. Contact The Bug Man today for a roach-free summer!

Summer Flea Prevention Tips for Indoor and Outdoor Pets

Split-image of a dog and a large flea holding a hitchhiker's bindle over its shoulder.

Fleas are pesky insects that love warm weather, making them more active during the summer. They are tiny and hard to spot, but their itchy bites can be a real nuisance. Fleas often hitch a ride into your house on your pets or even on your clothes. Once inside, they multiply rapidly, infesting your carpets, furniture, and bedding. Fleas are like the rabbits of the insect kingdom, so it’s important to act quickly to prevent a full-blown flea infestation.

Fleas in the House

Fleas are super stealthy in infiltrating your home. Once they hitch a ride into your home, you’ve got a full-blown flea circus. To get rid of these pesky acrobats, arm yourself with flea treatments for your furry pals and vacuum like there’s no tomorrow! Here are a few tips on how to get rid of fleas in the house:

Flea Prevention is Key
  1. Start by regularly grooming your dogs and cats and inspecting them for any signs of fleas and flea bites.
  2. Use a flea comb to catch them before they have a chance to multiply.
  3. Wash your pet’s bedding regularly in hot water and consider using flea prevention treatments recommended by your veterinarian.
  4. Keep your yard tidy by mowing the grass and removing any debris where fleas might hide.
  5. Vacuum your home frequently, paying extra attention to carpets, rugs, and furniture.
Get Help from a Pest Expert

Despite your best efforts, fleas can still find their way into your home. When faced with a full-blown infestation, it’s time to call in the experts. The Bug Man has the knowledge, experience, and tools to effectively get rid of fleas in your home. We can apply safe and targeted treatments that eradicate fleas at every life stage.

Fleas can be bothersome to you and your pets. And due to the sheer amount of eggs one flea can lay along with the long and repetitive life cycle, it is nearly impossible to get rid of them by yourself. Let The Bug Man treat your home to solve your flea infestation problem today!

Did you Know?

To see if a flea is biting you, put on white tube socks! If there are fleas, they’ll show up against the bright white socks.

What To Do If Your House Has Bed Bugs?

What are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals. They are commonly found in mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and other furniture near sleeping areas. These pests are known for their ability to cause skin irritation and discomfort, and they can quickly become a major nuisance for homeowners. 

How Do You Treat a Bed Bug Infestation?

If you suspect that you have a bed bug infestation in your home, it is important to take action as soon as possible to eliminate these pests and prevent them from spreading.

Pest Control

One of the most effective ways to eliminate bed bugs from your home is to hire a professional pest control service. Pest control professionals are trained and equipped to handle bed bug infestations of any size, and they have access to specialized treatments and techniques that are not available to the average homeowner. 


Pest control professionals use a variety of methods to eliminate bed bugs from homes, including heat treatments, insecticides, and fumigation. Heat treatments involve raising the temperature of the infested area to a level that is lethal to bed bugs, while insecticides and fumigation treatments target the pests directly with chemicals. Your pest control professional will work with you to determine the best treatment method based on the severity of the infestation and your specific needs.


In addition to eliminating bed bugs from your home, a pest control service can also provide tips and recommendations for preventing future infestations. This may include advice on how to properly clean. store & transport bedding and other linens as well as provide information on how to identify early signs of a bed bug infestation. A preventative treatment service can also be applied to a property to be proactive against bed bugs. This product has a 90-day residual with no odor and is safe to use around sleeping areas in multi-family housing, senior living facilities, shelters, hotels, etc.

Did you know?

The Bug Man offers bed bug training classes to housing facilities! This hour-long class will teach staff how to identify the insect and strategies for preventing the spread of bed bugs, including proper transport of bedding material throughout the facility. We also develop bed bug protocols for staff to follow in the event of an active issue. The course culminates in a short test showing completion of the training, which is a great tool for management to keep on file for any health inspections!



What keeps biting me?!

If you are being bitten but can’t find any insects, The Bug Man can test furniture in the sleeping and common areas for current and previous bed bug infestations. These test kits will show a positive result if bed bugs have been present or any treatment for bed bugs was performed in the last 90 days. We recommend calling The Bug Man and packing a few in your suitcase for your next hotel stay!  

If you are dealing with a bed bug infestation in your home, call The Bug Man. We can provide the expertise and tools needed to eliminate these pests and restore your home to a comfortable, pest-free environment.



ActiveSense System: Keeping Your Premises Rodent-Free with Automation

In recent years, there has been an influx of rodents in residential and commercial buildings. Unfortunately, these infestations can cause significant damage to property as well as pose health risks. In order to protect their premises from these creatures, many people have turned to the ActiveSense System (ASS) for trapping rodents.

The ActiveSense System is a revolutionary technology developed by researchers at MIT that utilizes sensor-based analysis and real-time data to keep your premises rodent-free. Sensors are placed throughout your property, alerting The Bug Man via an app when a rodent has been caught. A Bug Man technician is sent out immediately to track where and how the rodent has been moving around. 

Suppose a building’s traps on the right side are triggered often; in that case, we can infer that rodents enter through that side. The app also enables technicians to record the gender and species of the captured rodent. This information is useful because capturing a male rodent means capturing a potential reproducer. Additionally, identifying whether the trapped rodents are mice or rats can help us improve our baiting strategies in the future.

Since the sensors are connected directly to your phone or computer, you can monitor your premises remotely at any time in case something needs attention immediately. Automating this process with the ActiveSense System can save precious time and resources while ensuring better safety for everyone on site. ActiveSense is also a cost-saving to the customer because instead of us coming weekly or monthly, we only come when we receive a notification

ActiveSense has made it much easier for businesses and homeowners alike to avoid potential problems related to rodents and maintain healthy premises using manual intervention by placing snap traps for rodent control on the sensors. With this amazing technology, people can now improve the condition of their homes or workplaces worry-free. So, if you’re interested in the ActiveSense System, call The Bug Man today. After all, we get them when you can’t. 

What’s that rancid smell?

What’s that rancid smell?

You smell something. Something just awful. And once you find out that it’s the result of rodents or another animal, your first thought is to mask it with something else. We’re here to tell you that masking odors don’t work. The key to getting rid of the smell is to go straight to the source and eliminate it. Moreover, you need a non-toxic product that is safe for use in environments like restaurants, office complexes, homes, medical facilities, etc., where interrupting operations is not an option.

Chances are, if you notice a pungent smell but can’t track down its source, that a pest may have passed away in a place you can’t see, such as in a crawl space or wall. Another key indicator that something has died is by a large fly infestation. Flesh flies seemingly appear out of nowhere when something has died. Mice, rats, squirrels, opossums and raccoons are common culprits of the stench. But, whatever the pest, the fact remains that if an animal dies in the walls of your home or business, it can produce a near intolerable stench that’s impossible to ignore. It can begin to affect your family’s well-being or negatively impact your ability to serve customers within a short time.

The scent may last anywhere from a day or two up to a month or more. Nobody wants to live or work with this. At The Bug Man, we have the equipment to eliminate odors in a facility due to a dead animal, smoke or fire. Our Odor Neutralizer solution is safe, effective and can be administered without having to evacuate the affected structure. So, no matter where that smell is coming from, we have you covered.

If you are now experiencing or in the future experience a scent in your home or business that is unbearable, give The Bug Man a call at 225-923-2847. We’ll take care of the mess, so you don’t have to.

Do I Need to Worry About Rodents Around My Home or Business?

Do you really need to worry about rodents around your home or business?

Now that the weather is beginning to get cooler, rodents will be out in force looking for a place to stay warm. These pests are nothing to scoff at – in fact, rodents can carry diseases and their fur, saliva and waste can taint your food. That’s not all; rodents are also hosts for fleas, spreading diseases like the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. And if you or someone you know has a weakened immune system, chances are they or you may begin to experience headaches, fever and meningitis.

How long do rodents live?

If they are in welcoming conditions, such as your home, garage or attic, mice and rats can live up to one year. If they’re in their natural habitat, they usually live up to around 4-6 months. While a couple of unwelcome guests may not seem so bad for a short amount of time, consider this – A house mouse can have an average of 8 litters per year with an average of 6 babies per litter. That’s 48 mice per year per rodent! Think if you had multiple in your home!

How do they get in?

If you’re wondering what one of the most adaptable animals is on the planet, look no further than the common rodent. If not addressed early, infestations can cause quite a bit of damage to buildings and agriculture and can transmit diseases to humans. Mice enter homes or businesses through cracks and holes found in the floors, walls and foundations. Mice can also enter the home through gaps in the windows as well as sewer lines. Homeowners don’t typically recognize mouse holes until other signs of infestation appear.

How do you prevent them from getting in?

All cracks, openings, and holes need to be sealed with cement or metal to prevent mice from entering the home. All of your doors and windows need to close correctly and you need to store your food in glass or metal containers. Make sure the lids can seal tightly, and never leave food out. But if you do, you should give The Bug Man a call. Our professionals have over 40 years of experience helping families and businesses eliminate these pests. Don’t let another day go without protecting your friends and family.

Growing for the Better

Growing for better

Bringing our leading pest services to as many people as possible has been our goal for a long time. We feel nobody should be unprotected from pests, which is why we’re proud to announce that The Bug Man has recently acquired two additional pest control companies to service even more people.

Both newly acquired services have been incredible in what they’ve accomplished and they share a great deal in common with what we stand for at The Bug Man.

  1. Customer service is a priority
  2. Family-owned
  3. Strong values

The two new acquisitions: Witt’s Pest Control in Baton Rouge and X-Pert Pest Control, likewise in Baton Rouge, will combine over 300 years of experience and expertise in protecting homes and businesses throughout the state.

As The Bug Man is growing and expanding its services, rest easy knowing that we are always ready to protect you, your family, and your business from unwanted pests. If you want to inquire about our services, expand your services or learn more, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 225-923-2847.