Category: Rodents

ActiveSense System: Keeping Your Premises Rodent-Free with Automation

ActiveSense System: Keeping Your Premises Rodent-Free

In recent years, there has been an influx of rodents in residential and commercial buildings. Unfortunately, these infestations can cause significant damage to property as well as pose health risks. In order to protect their premises from these creatures, many people have turned to the ActiveSense System (ASS) for trapping rodents.

The ActiveSense System is a revolutionary technology developed by researchers at MIT that utilizes sensor-based analysis and real-time data to keep your premises rodent-free. Sensors are placed throughout your property, alerting The Bug Man via an app when a rodent has been caught. A Bug Man technician is sent out immediately to track where and how the rodent has been moving around. 

Suppose a building’s traps on the right side are triggered often; in that case, we can infer that rodents enter through that side. The app also enables technicians to record the gender and species of the captured rodent. This information is useful because capturing a male rodent means capturing a potential reproducer. Additionally, identifying whether the trapped rodents are mice or rats can help us improve our baiting strategies in the future.

Since the sensors are connected directly to your phone or computer, you can monitor your premises remotely at any time in case something needs attention immediately. Automating this process with the ActiveSense System can save precious time and resources while ensuring better safety for everyone on site. ActiveSense is also a cost-saving to the customer because instead of us coming weekly or monthly, we only come when we receive a notification

ActiveSense has made it much easier for businesses and homeowners alike to avoid potential problems related to rodents and maintain healthy premises using manual intervention by placing snap traps for rodent control on the sensors. With this amazing technology, people can now improve the condition of their homes or workplaces worry-free. So, if you’re interested in the ActiveSense System, call The Bug Man today. After all, we get them when you can’t. 

3 Shortcuts For Effective Pest & Rodent Control | The Bug Man


Keeping critters like raccoons, mice, squirrels, nutria, opossum, snakes and birds at bay in your home or office is easier than you might think.

Uncovering a pest or rodent infestation is just the beginning.

If you’ve ever heard, seen or smelled the traces of pointy claws, sharp teeth or sneaky slitherers in your home or business, you can certainly be left with an uneasy feeling. While you may be tempted to buckle down and attack the situation yourself, for your protection, it’s best to leave the dirty work to the professionals. With many different methods and resources available, our team is equipped with Louisiana Department of Agriculture-licensed trappers for safe and powerful pest, rodent and animal control and removal services.

Sometimes, even after an infestation is removed, a stench can linger behind.

After you’ve tackled your first battle (the actual pest or rodent) there may be another one that quickly surfaces – an extremely unpleasant smell. A smell that candles, air fresheners and essential oils simply can’t mask. The only completely long-lasting solution is a commercial-grade odor eliminator. We offer one that is safe, effective and can tackle up to 40,000 cubic feet at a time. Because it works without the use of harmful chemicals, you don’t even need to leave your home or business for it to start working its magic.

The most effective way to get rid of unwanted pests? Don’t let them in!

The best defense is always a good offense, even when it comes to pests and rodents. This means identifying, sealing and securing any potential entry points, including garbage chutes, drains, vents and foundation cracks around your house or business before unwanted guests can make themselves at home. If you want to be sure all of your bases are covered, we recommend enlisting the help of licensed professionals. Our exclusion services offer a preventative barrier to keep you safe, comfortable and nuisance-free year-round.

At The Bug Man, we get ‘em when you can’t. Contact us today to learn more about our pest-free guarantee. 


What’s that rancid smell?

What’s that rancid smell?

You smell something. Something just awful. And once you find out that it’s the result of rodents or another animal, your first thought is to mask it with something else. We’re here to tell you that masking odors don’t work. The key to getting rid of the smell is to go straight to the source and eliminate it. Moreover, you need a non-toxic product that is safe for use in environments like restaurants, office complexes, homes, medical facilities, etc., where interrupting operations is not an option.

Chances are, if you notice a pungent smell but can’t track down its source, that a pest may have passed away in a place you can’t see, such as in a crawl space or wall. Another key indicator that something has died is by a large fly infestation. Flesh flies seemingly appear out of nowhere when something has died. Mice, rats, squirrels, opossums and raccoons are common culprits of the stench. But, whatever the pest, the fact remains that if an animal dies in the walls of your home or business, it can produce a near intolerable stench that’s impossible to ignore. It can begin to affect your family’s well-being or negatively impact your ability to serve customers within a short time.

The scent may last anywhere from a day or two up to a month or more. Nobody wants to live or work with this. At The Bug Man, we have the equipment to eliminate odors in a facility due to a dead animal, smoke or fire. Our Odor Neutralizer solution is safe, effective and can be administered without having to evacuate the affected structure. So, no matter where that smell is coming from, we have you covered.

If you are now experiencing or in the future experience a scent in your home or business that is unbearable, give The Bug Man a call at 225-923-2847. We’ll take care of the mess, so you don’t have to.

Do I Need to Worry About Rodents Around My Home or Business?

Do you really need to worry about rodents around your home or business?

Now that the weather is beginning to get cooler, rodents will be out in force looking for a place to stay warm. These pests are nothing to scoff at – in fact, rodents can carry diseases and their fur, saliva and waste can taint your food. That’s not all; rodents are also hosts for fleas, spreading diseases like the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. And if you or someone you know has a weakened immune system, chances are they or you may begin to experience headaches, fever and meningitis.

How long do rodents live?

If they are in welcoming conditions, such as your home, garage or attic, mice and rats can live up to one year. If they’re in their natural habitat, they usually live up to around 4-6 months. While a couple of unwelcome guests may not seem so bad for a short amount of time, consider this – A house mouse can have an average of 8 litters per year with an average of 6 babies per litter. That’s 48 mice per year per rodent! Think if you had multiple in your home!

How do they get in?

If you’re wondering what one of the most adaptable animals is on the planet, look no further than the common rodent. If not addressed early, infestations can cause quite a bit of damage to buildings and agriculture and can transmit diseases to humans. Mice enter homes or businesses through cracks and holes found in the floors, walls and foundations. Mice can also enter the home through gaps in the windows as well as sewer lines. Homeowners don’t typically recognize mouse holes until other signs of infestation appear.

How do you prevent them from getting in?

All cracks, openings, and holes need to be sealed with cement or metal to prevent mice from entering the home. All of your doors and windows need to close correctly and you need to store your food in glass or metal containers. Make sure the lids can seal tightly, and never leave food out. But if you do, you should give The Bug Man a call. Our professionals have over 40 years of experience helping families and businesses eliminate these pests. Don’t let another day go without protecting your friends and family.

How To Have a Pest-Free Home For The Holiday Season

Pest Free Home For The Holidays

The holiday season is already here – families across the country are getting into the spirit by decorating their homes, carving pumpkins and will soon be stringing holiday lights and wrapping presents. Although this is all fun and games, there are some unwanted guests that also want to join in on the fun and spoil your celebrations. These unwanted guests are pests, such as spiders, ants, cockroaches and even rodents! Although there are many holiday items that attract pests, there are ways you can avoid them. The Bug Man has provided some tips on how to keep your home pest-free this holiday season! 


While carved pumpkins are the holiday symbol for October, they can be a breeding ground for pests. Whenever you are carving out the pumpkin, make sure you’re cleaning out all of its guts. (This also reduces the amount of mold growth.) The pulp inside the pumpkin is the most delicious part—both to rodents and bugs alike. Put simply: The less pulp, the fewer bugs there will be. 

Additionally, make sure you dispose of the pumpkin early. Leaving your pumpkin out for too long leaves room for the ultimate critter feast with the possibility of an invitation into your home.


Another way that pests can enter our homes during the holiday season is through the boxes of decorations, which are often stored in attics, garages and basements. Your decorations give food, shelter, and warmth to many of these pests and they are often left undisturbed for many months. 

When homeowners unpack their holiday decorations, many may find live or dead pests inside. When it’s time to decorate for the holidays, unpack holiday items outside and inspect everything carefully for signs of pests, droppings or any other damage before bringing them inside your home. 

Pro Tip: The use of cardboard boxes to store decorations is a big mistake. Many critters feed on starches like cardboard. This is an open home invitation to pests! At The Man, we suggest using heavy plastic containers that seal. Make sure you are not overpacking, which will lead to the containers not being able to shut properly.

Christmas Trees & Wreaths

Christmas trees and wreaths are also one of the most common ways in which pests enter into homes. Spiders, termites and ants are usually found in the crevices of wood or deep in the branches of trees. Some bugs may even lay eggs. 

To avoid bringing insects into your home, make sure you properly inspect the trees before bringing them in the home. Deny critters this free entry by shaking the tree or wreath before bringing it indoors. A good shake will knock off the bugs clinging to branches. 

After the holidays are over, it might be tempting to put your tree in the backyard. However, you should not do this. If your tree contains invasive species, you are introducing them to the neighborhood. In many areas in Louisiana, Christmas trees are collected from the curbside during the first two weeks in January. Many communities now recycle Christmas trees and use them for mulch, hiking trails, soil erosion barriers, bird feeders and much more!

During this busy time of the year, it’s easy to overlook signs of pests in the thrill of the holiday season. If you or a loved one sees signs of pests or suspect an infestation, contact a licensed pest professional to inspect your home so you can enjoy the festivities in a pest-free home! For a customized solution for your household, contact The Bug Man or give us a call or text at (225) 923-2847.

Insulation in Your Attic and Why It’s Important

Insulation in Attic Blog

By its very nature, the attic is a place to put the things you don’t want to worry about. Whether it’s holiday decorations, family keepsakes or seasonal clothes, when you put something in your attic, you expect it to stay there safe and sound. However, without proper inspection or installation of insulation, your valuables are much more likely to suffer damage from leaks, mold and, of course, invading animals. Without insulation, there’s a good chance that you’re losing some of your hard-earned holiday shopping money due to persistent drafts. 

Now, along with our expertise in handling pest problems, The Bug Man offers insulation inspection and installation. Here are just a few reasons why it’s so important to keep your attic in top condition:


Temperature Control

While insulation is a natural solution to keeping out the cold, it’s also an excellent way to keep in the cool air during the summer. Well-installed, high-quality insulation reigns in your A/C systems from going overboard on heat and cooling production.

In the winter, your heater runs in a way that automatically fills any detected cold space with warm air. This means that, without attic insulation, cold air is constantly slipping in, which keeps your heater running and keeps increasing your utility bill. The same goes for the summertime, as your air-conditioner fights to keep the hot air outside.


Rodent Infestations

Have you recently been smelling an odor accumulating in your home? Or how about hearing things in your attic? You most likely have a rodent infestation. With an inspection and/or repairs, you can avoid dealing with the side effects of a poorly insulated attic. During and following the cold winter months, you may come across the presence or remains of a rodent colony that made a comfortable home in your attic. A good attic cleaning by a certified individual will remove any droppings or deceased rodents from your attic to protect your family against infectious viruses.


Holes or Cracks

Did you know that over time, the wood exposure in your attic can create holes or cracks? Although this may not sound like a big deal, these small openings can allow outside air to get into your attic and significantly increase your energy bill. The prevalence of holes and cracks can also be the entranceway of small bugs. A skilled insulator would be able to detect where the outside air is coming from and seal all of those areas.



Sticking to a thorough cleaning and air sealing of your attic insulation, your attic should be safe from any future threat. Proper attic insulation and restoration may be able to save you a lot of money in the long run. Contact The Bug Man today about an insulation inspection for your attic before a problem arises.

Your Worst Nightmare: Rodents in Your Attic

Rodents in Attic


You’re on your couch, enjoying a spooky movie to get you in the Halloween spirit when you start to hear some suspicious noises. It only takes a moment to realize they’re not coming from your TV. Skittering and scratching echo throughout your home, and it can only come from one place: your attic.

Nervously, you climb the ladder through the attic door, the noises only growing louder as you do. Quickly as you can, you pull the string to the singular lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. You look out into the cramped space in horror, only to be met with not just one but many pairs of eyes staring back at you. No zombies, no vampires, not even masked face of Michael Myers could be as scary as this – an attic full of rodents.  

Crucifixes and silver bullets won’t do anything to stop these little invaders from destroying your decorations, keepsakes and electrical wiring. However, The Bug Man has a few tips and a rodent story to share to keep the horror movie soundtracks and potential disease from rodent-dwelling parasites on-screen only.


If You Give a Mouse an Opening…

One of the more destructive pests is the common house mouse. While the name alone makes them sound quaint and harmless, these little rodents – along with their larger relatives, like rats – can breed quickly. For example, female mice can have between 5 and 11 litters each year, with each litter containing about five or six pups (or pinkies); in about a year, that can add up to hundreds of new mice to the little habitat brewing in your attic. 


Like house mice, rats will wriggle through spaces you may not even notice and make themselves at home among your old photo albums, even using the paper and plastic to craft their nests. The damage won’t just be contained to your attic, however. These critters will nest in the gaps of your insulation and walls, likely near your plumbing lines in order to have access to water. They create little trails between their nests and the nearest food source – which is now your kitchen – in order to stay hidden while still eating their fill (and chewing up your linen, furniture and other decor in the process).


Ir-RAT-icate Their Chances 

If your home is currently rodent-free, let us help you keep it that way! The Bug Man offers comprehensive exclusion work around your home to plug up the holes that act as doorways for mice and rats. 

Keeping your home clean of food scraps and plumbing leaks is also key. Though both will eat just about anything, mice mainly prefer oats, cereals and vegetables. On the other hand, rats thrive on eating meat – including their mousy neighbors – as well. 

If you know your problem is small and plan on setting a few traps, keep in mind that while mice are more curious, rats are cautious of any unnatural environmental changes. If a rat inspects a set trap and realizes that it’s dangerous, your chances of catching it will quickly diminish. 


An Attic Nightmare Story

The Bug Man had a homeowner digging in boxes in their attic and heard some little squeaks in a corner. She quickly called The Bug Man to help come save the day. When our technician did an attic inspection, he found four baby raccoons in the insulation of the home. The mother had her babies in the attic but then went missing. The babies soon began to make a lot of noise because they were hungry. This was when the homeowner heard them squeaking. 

We were able to remove all four raccoons before they got big enough to do any damage and reproduce in the attic. Raccoons, squirrels and rodents are very common in attics due to easy access from gaps in a roof and rafters. They will use tree limbs touching the roof to enter the structure as well as wiring on the side of the home to crawl up. This situation was a bit more difficult since the babies were buried under insulation so we had to follow their squeaks to get to them. 



Though they aren’t quite as creepy as Freddy Kruger, the potential damage caused by intrusive rodents is a real threat to your home and health. Don’t let these pesky rodents get the upper hand; call The Bug Man! Along with our exclusion work, we also offer a rodent program to deal with problems of any size. Like your own personal rodent Ghostbusters, our pest control professionals have the specialty tools and expertise to give you back your peace of mind. 

Do you have any nuisance animals such as rats invading your home or just have questions about these unwanted guests? Request an in-home estimate today and we will help you solve all of your pest problems! Please contact The Bug Man for all your nuisance animal needs at (225)923-2847 or visit our Contact page

Mouse Math

Mouse math

While math has not always been my favorite subject, I’ve become pretty good at what we call around The Bug Man office Mouse Math. It’s a real thing — swear! And around these parts, knowledge is power. Let me drop some knowledge on you about mice.

The house mouse is BUSY! The mouse has become the most effective mammalian invasive species in the world. While they are not indigenous of North America they have pretty much made themselves a household pest round these parts. Their achievement may be led for their capabilities in the reproductive department. Which, in contrast to other mammals is RAPID. Are you ready for this? Approximately 6 mice may grow into over 60 mice in a few, short months. Mice achieve sexual maturity at about a month old. So, it’s clear to see that a mouse population inside a house can grow-out-of-hand FAST! The common house mouse, no matter how cute people think they may be (I am not one of those people), can have a devastating effect on your house as a pest in a surprisingly short amount of time. Often, a do it yourself treatment can only lead to more problems. This is the time when you call in a professional. Rodents are very smart and will quickly become aware of something new in their environment. This is why do it yourself treatment is not as successful as a trained professional handling the job. Our highly trained team knows where to place traps based off rub marks rodents leave behind as well as how and with what to bait the traps with. We are also able to identify the type of rodent by their droppings to determine the best method of treatment based of their food preferences.

The Facts

Just one female mouse produces between 5-10 litters a year. Each litter consist of 5-6 babies which can breed at approximately 30 days of age. Their gestation period is approximately 20 days, so mice create a great number of young, but possess a substantial mortality rate. Even so, breeding can occur throughout the year and thus if a pair of mice enter your home they can produce hundreds of mice in just one year. The lifespan of the house mouse is about 1 year. During that time, they will stay in their nests which are inside wall voids and insulation.
They will follow the trails they create towards food and water and will only rarely be visible. If you see a rodent out and about in your home, that generally means it has been there awhile and is comfortable enough in the environment to venture out of his normal path. Mice choose to live in places where they can find both a good supply of food as well as a place where they have access to moisture or water. Plumbing lines are a great place to inspect for a rodent infestation due to the constant condensation water supply. Left over pet food, other food scraps and waste bin bags act like magnets for these pesky critters. And due to their prolific reproductive abilities, if one female mouse moves into your house, then it means that within four short months you could have over two hundred mice making a mess of your house. YEP!
And also keep in mind that they are active year-round. The incredible birth-rate is kept in check normally by their natural predators in the outdoors. Predators like owls, hawks, cats along with harsh winter and summer conditions can help keep the rodent population in check. Indoors, however, is a totally different story. Once mice find their way indoors they have access to shelter, water and food. They will slowly make their way from one room to another while creating tunnels inside insulation and behind walls and drywall. Rodents also leave behind a urine trail almost the entire time they are moving. They use this to follow the same path to and from their food source. While this image is DISGUSTING to think about, it is also a great way for trained professionals to find the rodents daily route by using specialized equipment to show urination stains in a property.
The house mouse is not just a threat to your pantry either. The house mouse carries pathogens and can transmit deadly diseases like typhus and the bubonic plague. House mice can also be particularly devastating for your linen, furniture and other home furnishings because the house mouse is known for gnawing and burrowing and not even walls are safe from their ferocious teeth. Knowing how prolifically these pests reproduce should make you realize that it can be devastating to ignore one little house mouse, because that mouse could multiply in no time and at all and before you know it, you could have a devastating infestation on your hands.

Keep Out

The best way to not have to deal with mice is to not let them get in in the first place. Limiting their food and water sources will slow down their multiplication rate. But if they are in already, then the second-best way is to get rid of them in rates faster than their reproduction. Mouse traps work, but to get rid of a problem you will need many. By many we mean dozens. You will need to check them daily, empty the dead ones or if you use live catch the live ones and reset the traps. The best way to deal with a mouse population, however, is to hire a pro. We not only provide a rodent program to eliminate any issue, big or small in your home, but we can also provide exclusion work to the entry points to prevent future fury friends. The Bug Man is trained at this sort of thing. We are licensed exterminators and have access to tools and products that the general public does not.
Very potent rodenticide that will stop rodents in their tracks. If you think that you may have a pest issue and Mouse Math is not your thing, I know a guy! The Bug Man offers some of the most comprehensive treatment options in the region. Give us a call to make an appointment for a trained technician to visit your home. For more information, please call 923.BUGS or visit our website and request an estimate. We offer worry free pest control solutions, so you can rest easy knowing that your family, pets, home, and property are in good hands. We hope you enjoyed reading our blog. Until Next time! Remember, if you suspect you are having an issue, call The Bug Man and keep your peace of mind intact. You’ve got our Bug Man Guarantee! Thanks for checking out our blog.

See you soon!!!

* The Bug Lady, Layne Salvant