Tag: Termites

The Importance of Termite Protection and How to Choose the Right Provider

The Importance of Termite Protection for Homes and Businesses

Termite protection is crucial for both homes and businesses as it helps prevent termite damage that can be costly. For businesses, a termite infestation can be particularly damaging as it can disrupt operations, damage inventory and harm the business’s reputation. Furthermore, a termite infestation can result in regulatory fines and even the company’s closure in some cases. For homeowners, a termite infestation can significantly decrease the property’s value, making it more challenging to sell in the future. Termite protection services can help businesses and homeowners by providing regular inspections, treatments and preventative measures to detect and prevent termite infestations. This investment in termite protection can save businesses and homeowners significant amounts of money, prevent disruptions to operations and protect the value of their properties.

The Importance of Understanding Termites and Investing in Termite Protection Services

Termites are small insects that can cause big problems. These pests can infest your home, feeding on wood and other cellulose materials and causing significant structural damage. If left untreated, termites can cause thousands of dollars in damage, making termite protection services an essential investment for homeowners and business owners.

Before we delve into termite protection services, it’s essential to understand termites’ behavior and habits. Termites are social insects living in colonies, usually in the ground or wood. They feed on cellulose materials like wood, paper and cardboard. In addition, termites are attracted to moisture, which is why they thrive in humid areas.

Tips for Choosing the Right Termite Protection Service Provider

When choosing a termite protection service provider, several factors must be considered to ensure that you receive effective and reliable services. Some of these factors include:

License and certification:

It’s important to choose a provider licensed and certified by the relevant authorities. This ensures they meet the required standards for providing termite protection services and have the necessary training and expertise. To see if a provider is licensed, contact your local Department of Agriculture and State Pest Control Associations.


Look for a provider with years of experience in the industry. Experienced providers will likely encounter various types of termite infestations and have a proven track record of delivering effective services.

Treatment options:

Different providers may offer different treatment options, so it’s important to choose one that provides the type of treatment that best suits your needs. Consider the pros and cons of each treatment option and choose one that is effective, safe and affordable.

Customer reviews:

Check online reviews and ratings from previous customers to get an idea of the provider’s reputation and the quality of their services. Look for providers with positive reviews and a high customer satisfaction rate.

Warranty and Guarantee:

If your home qualifies, choose a provider that offers a warranty or guarantee for their services. This ensures that if the treatment is ineffective, they will promptly and effectively address the issue.

Choosing a licensed and experienced provider for termite protection services is important because termites can cause significant damage to your property if left untreated. An experienced provider has the necessary knowledge and expertise to detect and treat termite infestations effectively, preventing further damage to your property.

To find the right provider, consider asking for referrals from friends, family or your local real estate agent. You can also search online for local providers and compare their services, pricing and customer reviews. When contacting providers, ask about their experience, treatment options and warranty or guarantee. This will help you make an informed decision and choose a provider that meets your needs and budget.

If you’re looking for a provider that is licensed, professional and reliable, then give The Bug Man a call. We get termites before they get you.

What Should I Do If My Neighbor Has Termites?

A sighting of several termite control trucks appearing at your neighbor’s house could be cause for concern. But just because termites have decided to knock on the door of your friend’s home doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time to pack your bags. However, it could mean that you are more at risk, which warrants precautionary measures to be taken. Here’s what you need to know before you map out a plan of action.

Termites can spread in multiple ways

Subterranean termites, which are prevalent in the Greater Baton Rouge area, generally travel through flying or swarming during the reproductive season. While swarming season occurs in the Spring, a colony can also spread through mud tubes and through exterior wood, like firewood or furniture, any time of year. So if you were to borrow a wooden bench from your neighbor that was unknowingly infested with termites, then you could have inadvertently offered them a new dwelling place in your home.

Termites like to expand to similar structures

If you live in a community where many of the homes were built around the same time and with the same materials, your soil moisture level is probably also similar. Since subterranean termites travel through the soil looking for new cellulose-based food sources, close proximity could make your property an easy target. Once they zero in on a new structure, there’s nothing stopping them from easily entering into your foundation without your knowledge.

Termites often pop up during new construction

Whether your home is the new one on the block, or new houses are going up in close vicinity to you, termites are often identified as a result of new construction projects. Because the land used for a new-build could already have a number of active termites hidden in its soil that become disrupted when the process begins, they are left with no choice but to find a new place to feed. This often happens when developers take out old termite-infested trees and bury them under the new soil of a neighborhood.

Professionals are required to properly stop the spread of termites

Termites can tunnel and swarm the length of a football field, making a verified infestation next door too close for comfort. The best way to protect yourself? Take preventative measures with a professional termite control company as soon as (or before) you move in so that you won’t have to worry about what happens at your neighbor’s house in the future. However, if you didn’t have preventative measures in place and your neighbor spots termites, a professional termite control company is the only failsafe way to have your home properly inspected and to begin any necessary treatment. As the greater Baton Rouge area’s leader in termite protection, The Bug Man has the expertise and innovative means to deliver the most cutting-edge inspection and treatment solutions. Contact us today to learn more about our termite control services.

Your Top Louisiana Termite Questions Answered

While spring may signify flowers blooming, gorgeous weather and crawfish season in Louisiana, it also marks the start of termite swarming season. For creatures so small, termites sure do have quite the reputation… and for good reason. They can cause upwards of $5 billion in home damage each year. While the south may be known for its hospitality, no one welcomes termites with open arms. Here are answers to some of the most frequent questions we get regarding termites and how to keep them out.

What types of termites are there in the Greater Baton Rouge area?

The two major types of termites in the Greater Baton Rouge area are the Formosan “super termites” and Native termites, which both fall into the Subterranean category. As the name suggests, Subterranean termites are attracted to moisture in both wood and soil, and you can often find them swarming when a really hot day follows a rainy day. Natives generally swarm beginning late in February or early March and Formosans will swarm around Mother’s Day weekend.

Are termites attracted to light?

Yes. Swarming termites, which fly in groups during reproduction, are attracted to outside lights at night. Once fertilized, these swarmers will bury into the ground, lose their wings and hunt for the perfect spot to start a new colony. 

Do termites bite?

Yes, but good news for us – Their entrée of choice is wood. And they sometimes will eat other insects to protect their colonies. At the end of the day, if you suspect a termite infestation, you don’t need to worry about them hurting you; but you should definitely call a professional to treat the issue.

What are the signs of an infestation?

Common indicators of a termite infestation include wood that sounds hollow when tapped, cracked or bubbling paint, mud tubes on exterior walls, signs of droppings and/or a temporary swarm of winged insects in or around your home.

How do I get rid of termites?

We have an easy solution – Call The Bug Man. As the greater Baton Rouge area’s leader in termite protection, we have the expertise and innovative means to deliver the most cutting-edge treatment solutions. Contact us today to learn more about our termite control services.

8 Helpful Tips to Help Protect Your Property From Termites

It’s that time of year again. Yep, you guessed it—time for The Bug Man to come out and inspect for termites.

It’s that time of year again. Yep, you guessed it—time for The Bug Man to come out and inspect for termites. While termites are active year-round, most subterranean termites tend to swarm in the spring and summer months here in Louisiana. However, with all the recent rain and flooding making wood structures a breeding ground for an infestation, it’s never been more important to have your home or business inspected for these pests.

When there is this amount of moisture, termite colonies are constantly looking for new sources of food. It’s essential to take proactive measures to prevent termites from destroying something you try so hard to protect.

Here are some helpful tips to help safeguard your property:

  1. Store firewood away from your home. Place it in a dry area.
  2. Don’t allow water to pool next to the slab or under your home or business. Create ways to help the water drain away.
  3. Trim your tree limbs and vines that may be growing near or on your home.
  4. If you have any leaks in your pipes, roof or outside faucets, have them repaired or replaced.
  5. Repair any rotting wood on the soffit, fascia and exterior wood surfaces.
  6. Clean the gutters on your home and repair any sections that may be damaged.
  7. Make sure to turn off outside lights at night. Consider using yellow bulbs to avoid attracting swarming termites.
  8. Call The Bug Man to get rid of them.

Take a look around your structure and look for mud tubes on slabs, piers, or walls and pinholes in wallboards, softness in flooring or blisters in paint or wallpaper. If you see any of these signs, there’s a good chance you’re dealing with a termite infestation. They can and will destroy if not dealt with in a timely manner. If you need help with your termite problem or to schedule an inspection, give The Bug Man a call at 225-923-2847.

If You Think Floods Are Bad, Wait Until You Hear About Termites.

Recently Flooded? Treat for Moisture and Termites

The recent rain and floods have done an incredible amount of damage to homes and businesses across the state. To magnify the problem, termites look at the amount of moisture around and don’t see a problem but an opportunity to thrive. Pests are survivors.

As many people will be opening up their walls to let their studs dry out, this is a perfect time to not only do a surface repair but also treat for termites. The type of termite that causes the most damage in North America is the subterranean termite. These pests require ample moisture and then add a food source that contacts moist areas of the soil, and there you have it – perfect conditions for an infestation.

Most pests will seek higher ground to get out of floodwaters. Some insects, like fire ants, will float on water to survive. So, one might think that termites might drown in water. Well, the answer to that is “no” as termites have been around for 250 million years and have survived the ice age, natural disasters, and dinosaurs’ extinction. In short, these pests have strategies to survive.

One strategy for survival is in the way termites breathe. Termites have a system of holes (spiracles) along the sides of their bodies. When around bodies of water, they can close their spiracles for extended periods. One study found that they could survive underwater for over 19 hours. If that doesn’t amaze you, then consider this – they can also tread water for up to 4 days.

Flooding causes damp and wet conditions to become attractive to termites. In many cases, wood that is wet for extended periods of time may lead to an above-ground termite infestation as the termites move into the damp wood. If flooding has damaged your foundation or footing, termites can gain access to your structure

If a termite baiting system is installed around a flooded structure and the floodwaters are contaminated with pollutants, the bait matrix can be tainted and compromised in terms of attractiveness to termites. In this situation, the bait and possibly the bait housing would need to be replaced.

Soil treatments may require remediation or re-treatment if the soil has shifted or eroded or if sediment is deposited over a treated area. Likewise, flood waters may cause chemical treatments applied directly to wood for structural protection to leach out, requiring re-treatment.
Excess moisture is the biggest threat to a home’s structure. The moisture will compromise the strength of the wood, promote mold and fungi growth and attract pests. One way to combat that is with Bora-Care with Mold-Care. It acts as a moisture preventative against the damaging effects of water and the conditions that promote infect infestation. The Bug Man provides moisture treatment to open studs with at least 8% or less of moisture. A termite preventative can be performed as well with Bora Care while the walls are open to your structure.

Based on history, floods and standing water problems will not kill termites. At best, they provide termites more material to feed on due to increased moisture levels. That is all the more reason that pest management professionals need to get out and make sure their termite protection and moisture treatments are in place. Frequent inspection is the key to termite control success.

If a flood has impacted you, The Bug Man can help by making a thorough inspection of the flooded property/structures to determine if your treatment has been compromised. We can suggest appropriate steps for remediation if needed. Give us a call (225) 923-2847

Beware of the “Super Termites”

image of super termites

It’s that time of year that many of us dread. You guessed it, Formosan Termites are looking to feast on your home. These aren’t your run-of-the-mill Termites. The Formosan Termite is also known as a “super termite” since they are much more aggressive and destructive than their relatives. Just how harmful, you ask? They are responsible for nearly $2 billion a year in property damage.

Louisiana is a perfect climate for these pests. They love the moist wood in the spring and summer months. They do most of their damage at night. They will shed their wings after flight and find a safe place to mate and begin their colony by laying eggs. Formosan Termite colonies can have anywhere from 1 -10 million termites within them.

Once the Formosan Termite is mature, it can cause massive amounts of damage. They can go through roughly 13 ounces of wood in a single day. If you do the math, that means a single colony of Formosan Termites can destroy an entire structure in three months.

So, what can you do to defend and defeat the “super termites”? At the Bug Man, we look for areas with conducive conditions around your home. We then treat the house in various methods, such as digging trenches, applying termiticides, hydraulically injecting the termiticide around the slab area and then baiting the home with Sentricon – the best on the market, to help prevent Formosan Termite infestations.

So what’s the bottom line? The best way to control is to have a termite barrier in place with liquids or baits to prevent entry into the home. The Bug Man, our professional and knowledgeable crew has years of experience with Formosan Termites. We can help save and protect your home or business. Give us a call to go over your options.