Tag: pest tips

How To Have a Pest-Free Home For The Holiday Season

Pest Free Home For The Holidays

The holiday season is already here – families across the country are getting into the spirit by decorating their homes, carving pumpkins and will soon be stringing holiday lights and wrapping presents. Although this is all fun and games, there are some unwanted guests that also want to join in on the fun and spoil your celebrations. These unwanted guests are pests, such as spiders, ants, cockroaches and even rodents! Although there are many holiday items that attract pests, there are ways you can avoid them. The Bug Man has provided some tips on how to keep your home pest-free this holiday season! 


While carved pumpkins are the holiday symbol for October, they can be a breeding ground for pests. Whenever you are carving out the pumpkin, make sure you’re cleaning out all of its guts. (This also reduces the amount of mold growth.) The pulp inside the pumpkin is the most delicious part—both to rodents and bugs alike. Put simply: The less pulp, the fewer bugs there will be. 

Additionally, make sure you dispose of the pumpkin early. Leaving your pumpkin out for too long leaves room for the ultimate critter feast with the possibility of an invitation into your home.


Another way that pests can enter our homes during the holiday season is through the boxes of decorations, which are often stored in attics, garages and basements. Your decorations give food, shelter, and warmth to many of these pests and they are often left undisturbed for many months. 

When homeowners unpack their holiday decorations, many may find live or dead pests inside. When it’s time to decorate for the holidays, unpack holiday items outside and inspect everything carefully for signs of pests, droppings or any other damage before bringing them inside your home. 

Pro Tip: The use of cardboard boxes to store decorations is a big mistake. Many critters feed on starches like cardboard. This is an open home invitation to pests! At The Man, we suggest using heavy plastic containers that seal. Make sure you are not overpacking, which will lead to the containers not being able to shut properly.

Christmas Trees & Wreaths

Christmas trees and wreaths are also one of the most common ways in which pests enter into homes. Spiders, termites and ants are usually found in the crevices of wood or deep in the branches of trees. Some bugs may even lay eggs. 

To avoid bringing insects into your home, make sure you properly inspect the trees before bringing them in the home. Deny critters this free entry by shaking the tree or wreath before bringing it indoors. A good shake will knock off the bugs clinging to branches. 

After the holidays are over, it might be tempting to put your tree in the backyard. However, you should not do this. If your tree contains invasive species, you are introducing them to the neighborhood. In many areas in Louisiana, Christmas trees are collected from the curbside during the first two weeks in January. Many communities now recycle Christmas trees and use them for mulch, hiking trails, soil erosion barriers, bird feeders and much more!

During this busy time of the year, it’s easy to overlook signs of pests in the thrill of the holiday season. If you or a loved one sees signs of pests or suspect an infestation, contact a licensed pest professional to inspect your home so you can enjoy the festivities in a pest-free home! For a customized solution for your household, contact The Bug Man or give us a call or text at (225) 923-2847.

The Things Roaches Love Most About Your Home

Cockroaches in Louisiana

Roaches. They’re nasty. They’re incredibly difficult to catch; harder to kill. And, oh yeah, they fly. It might be hard to hear the truth, but it’s simple: even clean homes attract cockroaches. That’s right. The most sparkling clean, thrice housekept, bleach-bombed estate on the block is a target for roaches. A big target, as a matter of fact, and they find a way in — no matter what. After all, we’re talking about insects that can survive a nuclear bomb. Here’s what they love so much about your home:

Roaches Go for Your Kitchen Garbage

Roaches find a way into the food garbage — even in spite of the most secure trash can lid. When cockroaches are present in your home, rest assured, they aren’t just hanging out. They’re in search of a food source. Your leftover sugary sweets and fatty grease are some of their favorite entrees. That’s why there’s arguably no better place for them to look than the very container in which all the food scraps are collected. Staying up to date on your neighborhood garbage collection schedule and routinely taking out the trash every evening or every other evening is a great way to prevent roaches from coming into your house. Of course, getting a roach-focused pest control plan from The Bug Man is a great way to eliminate the problem, too.

They Love Limbs That Hang Close to Your House

Cockroaches don’t grow on trees, but a roach problem in your house can certainly start in them. You might love your landscaping, but if tree branches (particularly from oak trees) hang close to or touch your roof or awning, roaches use these limbs like bridges from their favorite outdoor habitat to their favorite indoor hunting grounds. The latter just so happens to be your home. Trimming branches and limbs away from your house is a great way to cut off their access to your house and fend off any roach intrusions or infestations.

Where There’s Water, There are Roaches

We already established that cockroaches are nasty things, as are most creatures that like to hold up in dark, humid places. But it seems the only places they like more than the kitchen garbage can, are places that gather moisture. Around the refrigerator, behind the toilets, under the sinks, in the back of drawers — pretty much all the nooks and crannies we would rather ignore and shy away from are the kind of places that roaches like best. Louisiana has plenty of water and humidity to go around, which explains why shoeing away cockroaches is something of a way of life around here. Coincidentally, it’s a good thing professionals from The Bug Man are around to make a living out of eliminating these persistent pests.

Uncovered Food is a Roach Free-for-All

Cooking and prepping food is hard enough as it is. The cleanup is just the annoying part. Although, the knowledge that the cleanup will keep away roaches is reassuring to say the least. Putting away uncovered food (pet food included) is a good way to steer clear of a roach problem. Put in some elbow grease to remove any cooking grease from counters and floors and make sure to scrub away any sweets and sugary foods left on countertops. Take it from us, the sight of a clean kitchen is significantly better than the sight of cockroaches making a buffet line out of your breakfast nook or butcher block countertops.

Cockroaches are a nasty nuisance. They might just love our homes more than we do. The tips above as well as sealing up doors, windows and cracks in buildings are some of a few things we know about putting roaches on the run. However, there’s no substitute for professional pest control and prevention. At The Bug Man, we know a thing or two about the way cockroaches make their way into your house, which is why we’re more than equipped to target the way to keep them out.



If you are concerned about cockroaches and pest problems in or around your home, consider calling a pest management professional. The Bug Man provides many pest control services for roaches, mosquitoes, termites, bed bugs, and much more! For a customized solution for your household, contact The Bug Man or give us a call or text at (225) 923-2847.

Law of Attraction Pest Edition

Pest control law of attraction

You surely know that leaving food lying around is a great way to attract pests, you might be surprised by all of the things that can encourage insects and rodents to your home. Check out these five common things that make you simply irresistible(to pests). Follow these tips to help eliminate critters from your home.


Even if your piles of items don’t contain food, they still are attractive to pests. Rodents and insects love burrowing and hiding in piles of newspapers and other clutter, so try to keep your home free of these items. Not only will you be able to get rid of pests, but you can also keep your home much neater and more organized.


Although you may have already sealed the doors and windows, there might be other cracks in and around your home that make it easy for bugs and other small pests to get into the house. Make sure that you seal any cracks in your home’s foundation and walls, and take the time to check around appliance vents, utility lines and plumbing to fill any small holes. The Bug Man offers solutions to repair and correct these conditions.

3.Moisture in the Home

Bugs and Critters LOVE moisture. Make sure to check your plumbing to make sure you don’t have any leaks. Any water in your home should be dealt with as soon as possible to discourage pests and prevent property damage.

4.Damaged Screens

Little imperfections and tiny holes in your window and door screens might not seem like a big deal, but many insects can crawl their way through surprisingly tiny holes. Don’t give them that chance. If your screens have holes, replace them right away.

5.Your Neighbors Are attracting the Critters

If you investigated the above, have sealed every crack in your house and have put forth other concentrated pest control efforts, there’s a good chance that pests are finding their way to your neighborhood and home because of your neighbors nearby. It’s probably a good idea to talk to your neighbors about your pest control issues. Approach the conversation lightly for best results. Also, consider having a pest control company spray the perimeter of your property to help keep insects and other pests at bay.

If you think that you may have a pest issue or if you would like inspection, I know a guy. The Bug Man offers some of the most comprehensive pest treatment options in the region. Give us a call to make an appointment for a trained technician to visit your home. For more information, please call 923.BUGS or visit our website and request an estimate.

We offer worry free pest control solutions so you can rest easy knowing that your family, pets, home, and property are in good hands. We hope you enjoyed reading our blog. Until Next time! Remember, if you suspect you are having an issue, call The Bug Man and keep your peace of mind intact. You’ve got our Bug Man Guarantee! Thanks for checking out our blog.
See you soon!!!
* The Bug Lady, Layne Salvant