Category: Mosquitos

Combating Mosquitoes in Louisiana: How The Bug Man Can Help

If you’ve ever spent time outside in Louisiana, you know that mosquitoes can be a big problem. Whether you’re enjoying a backyard barbecue or trying to relax on your porch, these pesky insects can make your time outdoors unbearable.

Thankfully, you can combat mosquitoes and reclaim your outdoor space with one call to The Bug Man. The Bug Man offers a variety of mosquito control services to help keep the bugs at bay. 

In2Care Mosquito Station System

One popular option is the use of the In2Care Mosquito Station System which uses a patented technology for transferring high doses of biocides to flying insects. When a mosquito lands in a baited pot filled with water, the product covers its body. The mosquito carries the bait with it when it flies to another source of standing water, thereby treating that standing water with bait as well! The highly effective system not only kills the female mosquito, but also sterilizes her reproduction. Most importantly, In2Care reduces the risk of mosquito-borne virus transmission, so you and your loved ones can safely enjoy the outdoors.

Yard Fogging

Yard fogging is a popular method for controlling mosquitoes in outdoor areas. By releasing a fine mist of insecticide into the air, it kills the mosquitoes present and can provide several weeks of mosquito-free space. This method is ideal for those who want to protect their outdoor spaces from mosquitoes without having to apply insect repellent on themselves. However, it’s important to choose a properly certified insecticide provider and to follow manufacturer instructions carefully to ensure effective and safe control of mosquitoes.

Mosquito Misting Systems

The Bug Man also offers a mosquito misting system. These systems dispense a fine mist of pesticide to kill mosquitoes and other flying insects. They can be installed around your yard and are programmed to go off at specific times to ensure maximum effectiveness.

By partnering with a pest control company like The Bug Man, you can enjoy your outdoor space without the nuisance of mosquitoes. Don’t let these tiny insects ruin your summer – take action today to keep them under control. Give The Bug Man a call.

Busting the Top 4 Mosquito Myths

Busting the Top 4 Mosquito Myths | The Bug Man

While the mosquito is no stranger to Louisianans, how well do you know these all-too-familiar fun suckers? There’s a swarm of information available on what attracts them, how to prevent them and why they behave the way that they do. But how do you decipher an old wives’ tale from actual science? Let’s break down a few of the most commonly-circulated myths about the unofficial state bird of Louisiana…

Myth #1: “Mosquitoes are more attracted to sweet blood.”
No matter your sunny disposition or the amount of sugary treats you consume, tasting “sweet” isn’t really a thing. Mosquitoes are, however, drawn to certain odors your body emits, like heat from your movement, the carbon dioxide in your breath and the lactic acid your skin secretes. In fact, scientific studies show that people with Type O blood were twice as likely to be bitten than people with Type A blood because they expel more lactic acid than others.

Myth #2: “Mosquitoes rely on blood to survive.”

Male mosquitoes couldn’t care less about blood. Females feed on it out of natural primal instinct – they only need its nutrients to produce eggs. But for humans, because most mosquitos are continuously breeding, it feels as though the vicious blood-sucking never stops. While blood is a female-exclusive feast, both male and female mosquitoes run (or fly) on nectar to fuel their everyday activities.

Myth #3: “Eating certain foods can act as a natural mosquito repellent.”

While eating a large amount of garlic may cause your date to flee in the other direction, it doesn’t do much to deter mosquitoes. Research shows that while consuming foods like onions, beans, grapefruit or peppers can potentially help to mask the natural smells your body emits, it isn’t exactly fool-proof. Experts suggest using a bug spray that contains DEET (with a concentration of 50% or less) and wearing pants and long sleeves to best protect yourself from these mini vampires.

Myth #4: “You don’t have to worry about getting a disease from mosquitoes in the U.S.”

While the risk has been greatly reduced over the years, we’re not completely out of the woods. There are over 200 types of mosquitoes in the United States, and the CDC reports about 12 of them spread germs that can cause severe illnesses, like West Nile, Zika and more. If you have recently been bitten by mosquitoes and you are experiencing fever, a rash, joint and muscle pain, headache and nausea, please seek out medical treatment as soon as possible.

Now that you have a little more insight into how these little itch-inducing pests act, there’s no time like the present to learn about how you can safeguard your property from housing them in the first place. Contact The Bug Man at (225) 923-2847 today for a tailored treatment plan, specific to your site’s needs.

Mosquitoes in Louisiana and How to Treat Them

Rain Events Bring More Mosquitos

Mosquitoes in Louisiana can be particularly nasty and aggressive, especially with the warm weather rains we get that provide plenty of opportunities for standing water where mosquitoes breed and flourish. We’re here to share a few tips on treating these pesky pests, particularly how to limit their numbers and keep them from biting you. But first, a few sobering facts of why mosquitoes can be more than just a nuisance.  

  • According to the World Health Organization, mosquitoes infect between 330-600 million people a year with Malaria and Dengue, just two of the life-threatening diseases that mosquitoes can carry.
  • Mosquitoes kill more people (over 700,000 per year) than any other animal on the planet by far. The closest in fact would be snakes, they kill around 50,000 people per year. 
  • Over 1 million pets in the U.S. alone are estimated to be infected with heartworms, which are passed along through mosquito bites. The infection rate for dogs over 2 years old is thought to be over 80% in South Louisiana.

Make Your Yard and Land Less Hospitable to Mosquitoes

One way to lessen the amount of mosquitoes on your property is to eliminate areas for them to breed. Female mosquitoes prefer to lay their eggs near stagnant water and can lay anywhere from 100 to 300 eggs at a time. These larvae can hatch within 48 hours. That’s a lot of mosquitoes! Here’s what you can do.

  • Eliminate sources of standing water and dispose of water-holding containers, such as tin cans, plastic containers, ceramic pots, used tires, and tire swings.
  • Pay special attention to discarded tires that may have collected on your property. Stagnant water in tires is a common place for mosquitoes to breed.
  • Drill holes in the bottom of containers such as those used for recycling.
  • Clean clogged roof gutters.
  • Turn over objects that may trap water when not in use, such as buckets, wading pools and wheelbarrows.
  • Change water in bird baths on a weekly basis. Do not allow water to stagnate in birdbaths; aerate ornamental ponds or stock them with fish.
  • Clean and chlorinate swimming pools. When pools are not in use, use pool covers and drain when necessary. Be aware that mosquitoes may even breed in the water that collects on swimming pool covers.
  • Use landscaping to eliminate standing water that collects on your property. Mosquitoes will develop in any puddle that lasts for more than four days.

Fight the Bite!

Mosquitoes feed on blood from humans and other animals, which is why they bite. Use the following measures to help reduce bites from these pests.

  • Be particularly careful at dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Wear shoes, socks, long pants and long-sleeved shirts. Clothing material should be tightly woven.
  • Use mosquito netting when sleeping outdoors or for baby strollers.
  • Use mosquito repellent when you are outdoors. Always use according to label instructions. The most effective repellents contain DEET, Picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus or IR3535.
  • Always wash treated skin when returning indoors.  Do not apply repellent under clothing, to wounds or irritated skin, the hands of children, or to infants younger than two months old.
  • Be sure your home’s door and window screens are tight fitting and in good repair to avoid mosquitoes entering indoors.

If you are still experiencing mosquitoes on your property, it’s a safe bet you should call a pest control professional. The mosquito treatment plan usually begins with a thorough property inspection and identifying the kind of mosquitoes that are causing problems. Once the inspection and identification are complete, your pest management professional will prepare a mosquito treatment plan best suited for your property, such as mosquito pots, misting systems, or yard fogging.

If you are concerned about a mosquito breeding site in or around your home, consider calling a pest management professional. The Bug Man provides three revolutionary mosquito treatments that don’t just repel mosquitoes, the unit kills them for good! Our newest mosquito program is a great, inexpensive alternative to yard fogging. We place mosquito pots around your yard that sterilize a female mosquito from laying eggs. For an effective mosquito solution, contact The Bug Man and ask about their mosquito services or give us a call at (225) 923-2847.